WhatsApp returns to stir up controversy with its new usage laws - Tech AI Expert


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Mar 4, 2021

WhatsApp returns to stir up controversy with its new usage laws

WhatsApp returns to stir up controversy with its new usage laws

It seems that the chat and instant messaging application WhatsApp is still intent on passing a package of new usage laws that it announced its approval at the beginning of this year and due to which many users decided to leave the application and go to other applications such as Telegram and Signal, especially after the accusations directed against these laws Violating users' private freedom

And WhatsApp had started at the beginning of this year by sending notifications to users informing them of a change in the laws of use, including the sharing of a number of user data with Facebook and the rest of its affiliated companies, especially with regard to the user's name, personal photo, phone number and numbers on His contact list, status update, and other personal information that may be posted on his WhatsApp account, and users will not be able to reject the new terms, and if they do not agree on the horizon of February 8, they will not be able to continue using the application, and Which caused a great outrage among users

This anger caused millions of users to leave the WhatsApp application and choose competing applications, on top of which are Telegram and Signal, whose number of new users is estimated at tens of millions, and this is what prompted WhatsApp that users misunderstand the new updates on usage laws, and that they do not affect Privacy of users' messages with friends or family in any way, instead, this update includes changes related to messaging a company on WhatsApp, which is optional, and provides more transparency about how data is collected and used, as WhatsApp confirmed that the app is not a company Facebook reads the users' message logs or listens to their calls, and WhatsApp does not store user location data or share contact information with Facebook, while it decided to postpone the date of February 8 to May 15 to clarify its position further

But things are back to ground zero after a post in the WhatsApp Frequently Asked Questions section on its website revealed that, as of May 15, user functions will be more limited for users who do not agree to its new laws, and users will not be able to post or Read messages from the application, but they will still be able to receive calls and notifications for a very limited period not exceeding weeks

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