It seems that the laws announced by WhatsApp earlier are still causing more users to flee from the application to other competing applications, even if WhatsApp retreated, even if temporarily, from its implementation, and one of the largest competing applications that have been positively affected is there Telegram application
Thus, according to the Sensor Tower company, which specializes in Internet mobility, the Russian Telegram chat and instant messaging application became the first application in terms of the number of downloads on both the Android and iOS platforms during the month of January, as the application download rate increased to more than 63 million downloads And this appears to be a stark rise in relation to the application With a simple calculation, we discover that the percentage increased by more than 38 times over the same period last year
While the Sensor Tower numbers revealed that the Chinese video application TikTok is the second in terms of downloads during last January, with 62 million downloads, while Signal came in third place, which in turn benefited greatly from the WhatsApp issue through the significant increase in the number of its users Social media Facebook ranked fourth, followed by WhatsApp in fifth place and Instagram sixth
According to the officials of the famous Russian application Telegram, specializing in chatting and instant messaging, and a competitor to the WhatsApp application, it has succeeded in obtaining 25 million new users within only 72 hours since WhatsApp announced its new changes, as company officials say that these new users are affected What happened with WhatsApp mainly belongs to Asia with 38 percent, then 27 percent from Europe and 21 percent from South America, while the percentage of users coming from Africa and the Middle East is 8 percent
With this, the Russian Telegram chat and instant messaging application has succeeded in reaching the threshold of 500 million active users across the world, which makes it in the forefront of competitors of the WhatsApp application, while the sources say that this missile rise is still continuing, especially since the application wins about 1 5 million active daily users, as the Telegram application presents itself as a completely secure messaging application that respects the privacy of its users and the confidentiality of their conversations