It seems that the most common technical news during this period is the issue of WhatsApp with privacy The new announcement that the company revealed a few days ago will make a big change about the policy of exploiting users ’privacy and how“ WhatsApp ”uses data, especially at the level of advertisements and commercial activities in partnership with the Facebook platform This step, which resulted in sharp criticism and heated debate among technology and information security experts around the world, and even among ordinary users As a result, a group of institutions and public figures took the decision to encourage users to leave the application and resort to "safer" alternativesAs they put it, as a step that is considered a reaction to the WhatsApp company, and it seems that the company will work to overcome this problem by providing many alternatives that will restore the confidence of its users to resume work in the application again, starting with providing jobs and advantages that encourage the use of WhatsApp as well Previously, it is already a step taken by the company, according to a new report issued by PageWABetaInfo, which is close to WhatsApp, that the company is working on a new feature that is expected to be supported in the next versions of the application and is called "reading later" and will reach users soon, and according to the news the feature has been employed to improve the archived chats in the application, when adding conversations in the archive section You will not be notified again if a new message is received, and as of that, if users try to archive a personal or group chat in WhatsApp, the chat will disappear in the archive section making it invisible in the chats section, however, it will appear again on the window Chats when a new message arrives, and with the help of the "Read Later" feature, users will be able to get rid of this problem, as conversations are frozen so that they do not appear in the main menu even if they receive new messages
According to WABetaInfo, if the feature - read later - is not appropriate and you want to return to the old situation in the event that the feature has been strengthened on your account, you can do so through the WhatsApp chat settings, and the site claims that the new feature will be enabled on the latest trial version of WhatsApp starting from Version 22122