Since WhatsApp announced a few weeks ago its intention to make new changes in the usage laws for its application for chatting and instant messaging, many users have tended to leave the application and move towards similar applications, especially Signal and Telegram, which revealed that it has gained millions of users recently. Last.
The Russian Telegram application has revealed a new tool, and it is the tool that will allow WhatsApp users to make a wonderful move, and it comes to transferring their chat list from WhatsApp to Telegram, and Telegram says that before importing WhatsApp conversations to Telegram, users must make sure Update both applications and once this is done, you should open the chats on WhatsApp and click on the name of the contact or group at the top, then set the option to "Export chat" and choose Telegram from the sharing list that appears and then let the process take place, as all content will be transferred in Chatting.
According to the officials of the famous Russian application Telegram, specializing in chatting and instant messaging, and a competitor to the WhatsApp application, it has succeeded in obtaining 25 million new users within only 72 hours since WhatsApp announced its new changes, as company officials say that these new users are affected. What happened with WhatsApp mainly belongs to Asia with 38 percent, then 27 percent from Europe and 21 percent from South America, while the percentage of users coming from Africa and the Middle East is 8 percent.
With this, the Russian Telegram chat and instant messaging application has succeeded in reaching the threshold of 500 million active users around the world, which makes it in the forefront of competitors of the WhatsApp application, while the sources say that this missile rise is still continuing, especially since the application wins about 1, 5 million active daily users, as the Telegram application presents itself as a completely secure messaging application that respects the privacy of its users and the confidentiality of their conversations.