The Signal chat and instant messaging app is one of the most beneficiaries of the recent uproar due to the new usage laws approved by WhatsApp and then returned to implement it, even if temporarily, until the conditions are corrected according to it, which is what caused many to leave the application and go towards new applications.
And since the beginning of this month, Signal has known a huge "mass migration" of WhatsApp users due to the new usage laws in which they saw that they threaten their private lives and the confidentiality of their data, especially after the famous tweet of Elon Musk, in which he called for the use of Signal, and This is what increased the number of application users, as the new figures indicate that the application registered 47 million new users between January 4 and 17.
The official account of the Signal chat and instant messaging application on the social networking site Twitter had posted on his account during the beginning of this month a tweet indicating a significant increase in the number of users who joined the application, which caused the delay in sending verification codes to the operators of communications to users And thus it caused a delay in joining the application, and the application said on its account that all users should have the right to join Signal without delay.
It seems that the great pressure on Signal due to the unprecedented number of users who came from Twitter to this application caused a problem last Friday, which caused the application to stop in a large number of users around the world, as users faced difficulties in not The arrival of the messages in the conversations, which apparently prompted the company to act to solve the problem, which was what actually happened last Sunday evening, but things have returned to normal since that date and no problems have been recorded until now.