If you search Google for the word "WhatsApp hack", you will find approximately 2.5 million searches have been conducted on the site, which confirms that a group of people want to know a way to penetrate the application and spy on users, especially since the application is one of the most used messaging applications in the world, and we can say that it represents a large part of our life and all our social relationships. It is present inside this application, and therefore WhatsApp is keen enough to make it a difficult application to penetrate, for this reason I included it with a highly enforceable security feature which is encrypting messages from both parties, there is nothing left for anyone who wants to spy on our conversations, except to be close to us and try to take the phone and enter To watch WhatsApp conversations, although there are some other applications that can be added to take a picture of anyone trying to access our mobile phone without taking permission, but according to reports from Panda Security, some fraudulent attacks that seek to steal users' WhatsApp accounts have been detected through SMS messages.
As the Panda Security team explains, the occupiers send a message to the victim, claiming that they represent the technical support team of WhatsApp, and in the context of the message they indicate that someone has registered with the same phone number of the victim's account, which represents an illegal login, and for the sake of "confirmation "If the person who uses this account is occupied, cyber criminals ask you to re-send the security code that you will receive within a few minutes via SMS, and if the code is reached, you lose control of your account completely and have the authority to communicate with your contact list." "It's a very smart attack, because the occupiers are exploiting the security measures of WhatsApp and turning it into a security vulnerability," says Hervé Lambert, director of consumer operations at the Panda Security team.
In addition to the ease and speed with which the message can reach millions of people and the great popularity of WhatsApp, it makes the application the first source for applying malicious operations and spreading fraudulent deception, as a new fraud process was detected that seems to have reached many users during this period, namely A message that begins with the word “Hello! Users' personal and banking information is stolen.
The best thing to do if you get this message is to report it first, then delete it and avoid clicking on any link it contains.