At a time when the controversy still exists regarding the new privacy policy in WhatsApp, where there was talk of a change in the WhatsApp service and the privacy policy, especially when the company informed its users about these changes last week through the application's notification window, and confirms that it is in order to continue in Using the WhatsApp instant messaging application, users must agree to these new terms and conditions before the deadline of February 8, otherwise the account will be deleted, and along with another report another violation of user data, this time at the level of the WhatsApp application in the desktop web where it is suspected It exposes personal cell phone numbers by indexing them in the Google search engine, and according to the reports it is related to the leakage of mobile phone numbers to users through the WhatsApp desktop application (web), whose results began to appear in Google search, the investigation was revealed by a researcher in cybersecurity Rajasekhar Rajarya ''And some screenshots were shared on social media platforms about it, and it was confirmed early this week that the custom WhatsApp group links also appeared in Google search, as the first WhatsApp groups were leaked about 4-5 days ago, and Google search also revealed The identity of these groups, whereby anyone has the authority to join a private WhatsApp group due to the defects of the current service, and consequently the phone numbers and pictures of the members ’personal files are leaked Rajaria tweeted, saying:“ If you use WhatsApp Web service on the computer, Google indexes the number Your mobile phone and your messages "
According to Rajahriya, WhatsApp leaks data through the WhatsApp Web application, and all mobile phone numbers in Google search belong to individual users, not commercial users, and it is known that WhatsApp has nearly 2 billion users around the world and this number is more than 400 Only a million in India, a significant proportion of which use WhatsApp in their desktop and web browsers
Earlier this week, WhatsApp said it was very concerned about the leakage of private group chat links on Google searches, and asked Google not to index these chats and advised users not to share group chat links on publicly available websites, which means that anyone can Join different private chat groups with a simple search, and so far the links of some indexed WhatsApp groups have been removed from Google, and Rajaharia indicated that although WhatsApp advises users and asked Google to remove the previously exposed group chat links, so far the numbers are being indexed Some mobile phones via the WhatsApp web application in Google search, and a spokesperson for WhatsApp said in a previous statement that since last March of the year 2020, the company has included a "noindex" mark on all internal links indexed pages in Google search, and the company will delete it from the page Indexing, and a spokesperson for WhatsApp added: "We have provided our feedback to Google to not index these chats, and links that users want to share privately with people they know and trust should not be posted on a website where they can be publicly accessed "
The problem first appeared in February of last year when Jane Wong, a reverse application engineer, found that Google had about 470,000 results from a simple search for "chatwhatsappcom", which is part of the URL that forms the invitations to WhatsApp groups This disclosure comes at a time when WhatsApp changes its privacy policy, and users will "agree and accept" if they plan to continue using the application after February 8th