How to transfer your WhatsApp groups to the new Signal! - Tech AI Expert


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Jan 17, 2021

How to transfer your WhatsApp groups to the new Signal!

With simple steps, you can transfer your WhatsApp groups to the new Signal!

The recent step taken by the WhatsApp company related to updating the terms of service and privacy policy in WhatsApp, with its merger with other Facebook products, resulted in opposition and stinging attacks on the part of users of the world's first chat application "WhatsApp"As everyone is confused about their privacy as a result of using the application in the future, especially since the company has confirmed that in the event that the new terms are not approved, the authority to use your account will be permanently deleted, and as a result, many WhatsApp users have moved to try some competing applications that are not Sharing user data with other external entities and one of these popular applications is Signal, a move that won the approval of a group of well-known business figures who also encouraged their followers to move to use the Signal application, including Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and it has already started Many users go to the new Signal application, but as users accustomed to using WhatsApp, some may face problems related to group conversations, work groups, and others, which is the reason why Signal's developers provide an easy way for users to transfer their WhatsApp group conversationsDirectly to the Signal application

- Recreate your WhatsApp groups on Signal

Step 1: Create a group on Signal  

The first step to converting your WhatsApp groups to Signal is to create a new group in Signal

 You will have to add at least one member to create the group, and don't forget to give your new groups a name of your choice and a photo if you want

Step 2: Get the group invite link  

Once the group is created, you will be directed to its settings 

Then you click on the "group link" option to get the shareable invite link

Step 3: Share the invitation link  

Once you receive the group invitation link, you will share it in previous WhatsApp groups so that users can join directly to the Signal group that they have recently created, so now anyone who has access to this link can directly join the group you created in Signal with the click of a button Knowing that the group creator can stop sharing the link at any time by setting the "not running" option

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