A number of security reports during recent days indicated that a database on the Telegram instant messaging application contains hundreds of millions of data on Facebook users that has been pirated, as this data is sold on Telegram to those interested in accessing it and obtaining information, which is not rare for hackers.
According to a number of specialized sites, a huge database is currently present on the famous Telegram application, and a bot dedicated to this purpose sells this data to those who wish to do so, as it specifically concerns more than 533 million phone numbers for users on this platform, which is This means that those wishing to know the accounts of each phone number will be able to do so in what is considered a serious breach of users' privacy.
According to the same sources, the bot on Telegram sells this data to those who wish to do so at $ 20 per phone number, while the sources indicate that this matter is not entirely new, as the Internet is full of hacked and stolen databases from social networking sites and other sites and Other applications, except that the large number of stolen data displayed in general poses a danger to users.
According to the hacker who sells this data, it is a security vulnerability at the level of Facebook through which this information was collected, but the vulnerability has become closed since August 2019, and it concerns information of users from many countries, especially the United States of America, Canada and Britain.