Signal chat and instant messaging application continues to rise strongly during the recent period, threatening the throne of one of the most important and most famous applications in this field, which is the WhatsApp application owned by Facebook, the giant of social networks, this comes after the recent controversial WhatsApp decision, but also due to another factor
During the past few days, the frequency of "migration" of users from WhatsApp towards Signal increased in an unprecedented way, after WhatsApp sent notifications to users during the last period informing them of a change in the usage laws, as these changes include sharing a number of user data With Facebook and the rest of its affiliates, especially with regard to the user's name, his personal photos, the user's phone number, the numbers on his contact list, the status update and other personal information that may be published on his WhatsApp account, and users will not be able Rejection of the new terms, and in the event of disapproval on the horizon of February 8th, they will not be able to continue using the application
This new WhatsApp decision angered many users and pushed them to abandon it and go towards other applications whose developers say that they fully respect the privacy of users, and on top of which is Signal, which has seen a great recovery, thanks to this matter, but also because of the tweet of the digital world giant "Elon Musk", who had published after recent events a tweet on his account on the social networking site Twitter calling on users to switch to Signal
And it seems that Elon Musk's call has contributed to the significant increase in the number of Signal users, as Apptopia numbers say that the Signal chat and instant messaging application has become the most downloaded application on the Apple App Store, and the app still achieves high download rates on my platform Android and iOS