These are the phones that WhatsApp will not work on starting January 1 - Tech AI Expert


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Dec 30, 2020

These are the phones that WhatsApp will not work on starting January 1

These are the phones that WhatsApp will not work on starting January 1

Like all applications, WhatsApp also has a lifespan to work on some phones, and when the systems in these phones become overridden, WhatsApp becomes incompatible with working on these phones, and this is exactly what will happen at the end of the current year when a number of phones will become unrecoverable Scalable to support the application

WhatsApp, the developer of the chat and instant messaging application, had indicated a while ago that a number of phones would not be able to run the application after the date of December 31 at 0000, that is, with the beginning of the first day of the new year, January 1, 2021, and that On both Android platforms as well as the iOS platform

And according to what was revealed by WhatsApp, it is mainly related to phones that run the Android system from version 403 and lower versions, in addition to as we mentioned to iOS version 9 and versions less than that, and therefore this matter will be reflected on some well-known phones and from Among them, in particular, the Galaxy S2 as well as the iPhone 4

And in the event that the phone under these versions supports updates towards higher versions, it can always benefit from the WhatsApp application after doing the necessary update

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