iFixit Tears Down The PlayStation 5 And they gave it 7/10 - Tech AI Expert


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Dec 13, 2020

iFixit Tears Down The PlayStation 5 And they gave it 7/10

Sony launched its new PlayStation 5 platform a month ago, the platform that met with great success a few days after its launch, on which the Japanese company is betting on competing with Microsoft with its famous Xbox platforms, thus preserving its users and trying to attract new users.

And as every time, the famous site iFixit is keen to obtain the latest electronic devices in order to dismantle them and identify their components on the one hand in addition to giving their opinion about the speed and ease of repair or not, before giving its final evaluation about the matter, which is what it did with The new Sony PlayStation 5 platform, and it seems that the results were encouraging. The Japanese platform received a high rating compared to other devices.

According to iFixit experts, the new PlayStation 5 platform from Sony is ideal in terms of its ability to be repaired, as experts said that repairing it by removing components is easy and reinstalling them, so the disassembly and installation process will be a very easy process for repairers of this type of devices Which is what Sony promised in the past.

iFixit announced its final result by awarding a score of 7/10.

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