There is a group of specialized and targeted speaking
devices for the category that are unable to communicate with their
family or friends and their caregivers, and some of these devices are
operated by eye tracking technology, as it allows users to write or
specify phrases that they want to express without the need for touch Or
pronunciation, but not everyone can afford such devices, and as a result
of the joint cooperation between Google and "Richard Howe" specialized
speech and language therapist, the group was able to launch a free
Android application called Look to Speak, which is designed to improve
the communicative abilities of non-verbal people. Using a device that
almost everyone owns, which is a smartphone, and the idea of
developing the app began when Richard encountered "Sarah Ezekiel"She
is an artist who was diagnosed with motor nerve disease in 2000, and she
is one of millions of people around the world who suffer from problems
with speech and movement, and this year Sarah met with her speech and
language therapist and on the initiative of the Google project to
support small ideas, the two teams searched for The possibility of
exploring how machine learning via small devices can make eye-to-eye
communication technology enforce its existence, and the hope is that
Look to Speak will be able to benefit communities with different types
of temporary, permanent or situational disabilities.

As is the case with other communication programs via eye
tracking technology, Google announced that this application aims to
facilitate communication for people who suffer disabilities in speech
and movement, especially those who do not speak and need assistance in
communication, as the application allows users to choose previously
prepared phrases Through the phone screen with their eyes in order to
express themselves, and the application uses machine learning and eye
stare technology, and it works well when the front camera of the
smartphone has a clear vision of the user's eyes to choose from the list
of phrases for the phone to pronounce it aloud, and usually does not
require It is only a few eye movements to select the desired sentence,
and the Look to Speak feature requires users to choose the phrase they
want either by looking directly to the left or right of the smartphone
screen while keeping their heads fixed, and the only drawback in the app
is that when you want to edit the phrases and adjustEye settings, this
option is not accessible by eye view technology and requires manual
tapping of the phone screen.

The application includes a list of 16 pre-prepared phrases
distributed into two columns, half of which are in the left column and
the other half on the right, and each phrase the user wants to pronounce
and is mainly listed in the right column, for example, the user will
need to look to the right to allow the application to know that the
phrase he wants The expression is on the right, not the left, which will
allow Look to Speak to ignore the phrases included in the other half,
says Richard, who specializes in working with people with speech and
movement disabilities, especially people who are not verbal and need
help with communication: “It's more than Just a job for me, it is a
passion, every day I strive to help people find easier and more
accessible ways to express their daily needs, opinions, feelings and
identity. "Cave says Look to Speak has already reached people who can
benefit from the application and have found it very useful in
circumstances where other access devices may not be usable, for example
during transportation or in urgent situations, and he added: "Now it is
possible. Conversations can take place more easily as there could have
been silence before, and I'm excited to hear some of them. "

The application is available for devices running Android 9
and it is not currently supported for the iPhone series of all kinds,
and the front camera is required on the phone, and the issue of setting
up and running the application in the phone is very easy, the first time
you open the application, you will be welcomed through An educational
screen that will guide you, and it includes options to find a suitable
location to install the correct viewing angle and parameters for eye
tracking settings, and some tests will also be performed to identify the
idea of working in the application.